Saturday, August 18, 2007

Did You Know Our Local Gas Station Was Already Out of Gas?

Did you know our local gas station was already out of gas?

Remembering the evacuation of nearly two years ago, the impending possibility of another as hurricane Dean approaches the Gulf has many people scrambling to prepare. Our local news this morning showed stores with empty shelves of water and already out of generators. The news team and highway emergency signs were encouraging everyone to fill their gas tanks and keep them full. By the time we got gas today, because we were going to my grandmother's and not because of a threat of a hurricane, our gas station was out of everything except super unleaded (which they were selling at the same price as regular unleaded.)

The storm hasn't even made it into the Gulf yet.


tripleZmom said...

Wow. I guess everyone has a right to be a little bit paranoid though, right?

silken said...

a little paranoid, yes, but let's at least wait until it's time to be paranoid!! :)