Sunday, February 24, 2008

Did You Know I Could Sum Up My Life in Just Six Words?

Did you know I could sum up my life in just six words?

Montucky tagged me in a new meme game , the six word memoir. At first I hesitated, not sure I could come up with something. But as I read through the original post and some of the others who had joined in as well, I thought I'd like to play along. I'd like to ask others to join in this meme as well. I'd like to hear from FF&F , Shelly , Marathon Bird , Leslie , and Jerseygirl . I am also going to tag my kids to see what they can come up with: randomactivities and kidbits , you wanna join in?

Here are the rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir.

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.

3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4. Tag five more blogs with links.

5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

So I began to think. My very first reaction was the title of a book I read years ago, which gave me the courage and determination to go through with homeschooling my children. It is titled "Tend Your Own Garden First". That is only five words; I thought about adding a word to the title, but it would not really be my I kept thinking just a little more. I have dedicated my life to raising my kids in the way that seems best. How could I best express this in six words? I thought about one of my other blogs. One that I don't write in as often-it is very difficult for me to keep it up at times...but it held the key for me. Here is what I've decided is my six word memoir:



Anonymous said...

That is just perfect! I think that is why I like that other blog so much too. Now I'll be interested in seeing what the kids come up with!

Anonymous said...
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silken said...

montucky--I told the kids about it on the way to church this morning. My son thought for about half a minute and said "I already know it". My daughter has hers posted already! :)

Holly said...

Thanks for the tag. I'll have to turn on my brain for this one--six words, hmmmm...

I like how you summed up yours. Perfect.

bookbabie said...

Beautiful memoir for a mom with the perfect photo:)

silken said...

thanks for stopping in holly. I thought you would enjoy this one.

silken said...

thank you for dropping by here bookbabie. I like this meme, thanks for getting it started!

this picture is about five years old, so it was fun to re-visit it! :)