Saturday, February 9, 2008

Did You Know About Alt Codes?

Did you know about alt codes?

Ok, I am sure that I am really behind the times! My 11 year old daughter just taught me about alt codes. She explained that first I have to have the number lock key on. Then holding the alt button and a number (on the key pad) down will produce a cute icon. These are great to use as bullets or fun icons while typing. Here are some examples:

☺ alt 1
☻ alt 2
♥ alt 3
♪ alt 13
♫ alt 14

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Why is it that the kids always pick this stuff up so quickly? I did know about this one though. It's cool!

silken said...

ha ha, you are ahead of your time montucky! my daughter is really the computer gal. she has always loved it! and she plays around enough with it to figure out these great little tools! (actually she learned this one from her favorite Nancy Drew website!)