Sunday, December 28, 2008

Did You Know My Son Gets His License Next Month?

Did you know my son gets his license next month?

My son will be sixteen in just a few weeks. He is anxious to get his driver's license. We are anxious for many reasons! One of these reasons (though not really the biggest) is the amount our insurance will rise. But in getting the auto insurance quote for him as driver, we were surprised that it would be a little over half of what we expected. That is with him listed as a secondary driver and not a primary driver. We also are looking at all the discounts possible: the savings for the driver's ed. course, the savings for the drug and alcohol awareness certification and the good grades discount. Every little bit helps!


Anonymous said...

Although it was long ago, I remember those days! I was able to relax with the idea I think mostly because by the time each of our kids got their licenses, I had trained them extensively and they were excellent drivers.(They still are today!

tripleZmom said...

Wow, I can't imagine. Although the idea of sending the kids to the grocery store does have some appeal.

silken said...

I do have to say the idea of him running errands and me not having to pick him up from every practice is appealing! but I do worry. I think he may be a little over confident. he's a pretty good driver but I would like to see more time behind the wheel before we just turn him loose!

I have been surprised by the small amount of time required through the driving school. Only seven hours of driving and seven of observation are required through them! that is scary if kids start driving after that w/ not much practice w/ parents in between!