I didn't know til this last spring when the aloe vera plants in my yard sprung up a large bloom.
I love aloe vera plants. They are so easy to grow, I don't have to do anything to them and they just take off. Not to mention how good for you the aloe juice is. It has been used for hundrends of years for both internal and external medicinal purposes. It is great for sunburned or irritated skin.

That's a plant I liked when we lived in Arizona, but also one that I can't have up here. They're neat plants!
By the way, you've been "tagged". If you're interested, check my Eight Random Facts post. (I know a lot of these have been going around lately.)
ok, I'll check it out. I just got tagged by believin (by another name) for another game too. Yeah, lots of these going around, but hey, it's good for all of our blog traffic and page ranks. thanks!
Hey, I actually knew this one. I've got several of them in my house and I've seen them bloom.
Also, there's a plant called the Mother-in-law's tongue, that also blooms if it becomes root-bound in the pots.
Sorry, just a little trivia. :o)
thanks for the trivia bit
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