Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did You Know About the Harriet Tubman House?

Did you know about the Harriet Tubman House?

On our trip I wanted to incorporate as much history as possible. When I learned that the Harriet Tubman House was only a few train stops from Fenway Park on our way into downtown, I did not want to miss it. My kids had really enjoyed learning about the Underground Railroad several years ago. I found a snippet about it on Yahoo Travel:

"With its collection of photographs and artifacts, this museum celebrates the life and deeds of African-American leader and abolitionist, Harriet Tubman. A figure from the famous slave-liberating Underground Railroad, Tubman was born into slavery but escaped to Boston in 1849. Nicknamed the "Black Moses," she personally helped over 300 people escape from slavery. Admission is free."

along with this review:

"This was one of the best things I did while I was in Boston. I learned ton of things and had fun while I was there."

Although I did read what was provided on from this link, I still thought it would be worth the time to stop by and see the exhibit, even if it was small.

When we got there they asked if they could help us. We said we just wanted to see the Harriet Tubman House. They said, "This is it." We stated that we wanted to see the exhibit. They looked at us like we were crazy. There is no exhibit, no artifacts and no museum. They do have a bust of Tubman in the hall. And they did let us use their bathrooms. Other than that, I took a picture of the buildings on that street:

Save your time and train fare and don't stop for this one.


Anonymous said...

That was pretty sad! What in the world do they have to gain by that sort of thing?

silken said...

I don't know and the folks at the center were really taken by surprise, they were not touting it as a museum, but someone setting up the website is!!