Sunday, July 6, 2008

Did You Know About the Novel to Save the World?

Did you know about the novel to save the world ?

I recently found a blog in which the writer is actually in the process of writing a novel with the mission of saving Uganda, Africa! Talk about big plans!! This author has posted each chapter on his blog using a link to the downloaded files. The novel is free to read, but he was smart enough to get it copy righted. You can download chapters 1-10 and then follow the links for the rest of the chapters. There is even a link to donate to World Vision, a well reputed non-profit organization, to help raise money for poor children. (I am not sure if this is linked directly to Uganda or not.)

While I have not read the novel yet, I like this blog's approach. The author sees a need and is doing what is in his power to do. If we all take steps to do what we can to help out our neighbors on this earth, it will be a better place for all of us to live.


silken said...

sounds good. I'll have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea for a writer to really make a difference! What a wonderful thing to do!

silken said...

I actually thought of you montucky when I looked at that blog. after all, your blog is an effort to save a part of your world!