Sunday, April 10, 2011

Did You Know Some Carpet Cleaning Tips?

Did you know some carpet cleaning tips?

I found these professional carpet cleaning tips from an Austin Carpet cleaning  service. They include ways to remove hard to remove stains like wine, dirt, pet vomit, coffe, tea and cosmetics from your carpet. Each removal uses a series of products like detergent, ammonia and vinegar. When following these steps in order, the stains should be removed.  And an important thing to remember when trying to remove these common hard to remove stains is to BLOT and DO NOT SCRUB.

This Steam Team does more than just carpet cleaning. They also provide services after weather related damage, including water and wind destruction. They provide services for both commercial and residential clients. I guess this would make weather damage and carpet cleaning in Austin an easier task.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can also use water for some stains that are easy to remove. Baking sodas are also a big help. You should also clean a stain before it settles, as it is easiest to remove then. Hmm. For tough stains, you can ask a cleaner to do it. Don't regret spending for a home cleaner because you should not take risk if you're not that good in cleaning. It will save you a lot in the long run. :)

Ailith Blesington