Friday, July 10, 2009

Did You Know Epsom Salt is for Sprains?

Did you know epsom salt is for sprains?

I learned this week that soaking in epsom salt is good for minor sprains and bruises. I did not know that. But my daughter turned her ankle again last week. I wish I'd have known earlier, but thankfully her coach told me about this. When I bought it, the box says it is good for sprains and bruises. It is apparently the magnesium that works to reduce the swelling. You can soak the injury three times a day, thirty minutes at a time.


Medical Information said...

Epsom salt is considered one of the most versatile household products. Ya epsom salt is very useful in many ways. It is crystalline magnesium sulphate. It is useful for growth of plants, can clean body with it, reduces itching, extract out any impurity, reduces nail fungus, skin irritation and have many other benefits. To know more benefits of epsom salt, refer Epsom salt

silken said...

thanks! all good to know!