Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Did You Know About My Year in Review?

Did you know about my year in review?

On another blog I used to maintain I did a blog year in review. Since I no longer have that blog I thought I would do it here. Following is the first line from each blog entry of the month in 2012:

Jan: Since my husband was training for an Ironman last year, I wanted to do something big for myself too. (about setting up and running my own personal marathon!)

Feb: I have joined a photoaday challenge for February. (photos posted in Feb.)

Mar: Here are the last of the Feb. photoaday pictures! (last of the photos posted for Feb. photo challenge)

Apr: Although it is getting much warmer here, there are still days of bad weather (rain, heat, etc) which make it difficult to get a good run in. (ad for an area gym)

May: We don't shop much together. (another ad. this time about a shopping trip with my husband)

June: We just watched an episode of this program where successful business people go out and find people and/or organizations helping people who are in need. (about a new show we had just seen on TV-Secret Millionaire)

July: Did you know my daughter passed her AP exam? And she did so with a really good score! (It was an exciting day around here!)

Aug: Well, I could not find the numbers for sure, but the Hispanic population is at the top of most census lists. (true but this was another ad)

Sept: While I do not smoke, nor do I encourage it, I guess an internet cigar store is better than the ones I used to see in the mall. (another ad-this one for something I do not endorse)

Oct: Zooma is hosting a women's race series and they are coming to Texas! (not an ad but I was hoping to win an entry!)

Nov:  I just read that the mayor of New York has decided to cancel this weekend's long standing event. (after the hurricane that struck the area I think this was the best decision)

Dec: According to two young people in my life that answer is twitter. (I was trying to find out a way to get some information out-these two young people told me to use twitter-actually that they would tweet it for me!)

So there it is, my blog year for 2012.

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