Monday, December 12, 2011

Did You Know Good Chicken Recipes?

Did you know good chicken recipes?

A few weeks ago I got several packages of chicken breasts for .50 a pound. I put them in the freezer and they have gone a long way. We have had bacon chicken, chicken and rice, chicken and dumplings, grilled chicken sandwiches, chicken ritz, chicken salad, and taco soup. I have one more three pound package which will make another two to three meals. I know my crew is getting a little tired of all the chicken but it sure was a great price and lasted a good while. I need some good chicken recipe ideas.


Montucky said...

My wife has some wonderful chicken recipes, but I lack the ability to transcribe her notes into anything meaningful. I think this recipe comes pretty close to one of my favorites (I think she adds a can of green chiles:

silken said...

ah, sounds good. sounds similar to one I've done before. will keep it in mind for this week's round of chicken! thanks!!!