Friday, December 29, 2006

Did You Know That Meat From Cloned Animals Has Been Ok'd?

It seems as if the U.S. government has ok'd the use of meat from cloned animals for our consumption. They say that there is no difference, after the first six months of life or so, in the meat of cloned animals versus that of conventional animals. One of the disputes arising from this decision is the need for labels on such meats. Although the meat from cloned animals won't be marketed for consumption for at least a year, there are two sides debating whether such meat should be labeled. One group says since there is no difference, there is no need to label such meat. Others say they will then lable "clone free" meats. This is debated as implying there are possible health risks with cloned meats. This will surely be a desicion eaters of meat will face in the relatively near future.

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