We had a great time today making mini pinatas from paper lunch bags. These are the perfect size for any student to make. We started with a brown paper lunch bag. We filled it with a little candy. We stuffed a page of crumpled newspaper inside to "stuff" it a little better, making it easier to work with. Then we folded the top over, stapled it and punched two holes in the top. We threaded a piece of yarn through the holes. Next, colored crepe/tissue paper was cut into long strips. Cut fringes along the bottom edge of the strip of colored paper. Be sure not to cut completely to the top; cut only to about the middle, leaving a fringe along the bottom. Put glue along the top of the strip of colored paper. Adhere around the bottom of the bag. Cut another strip of colored paper in the same fashion. Apply glue. Place this piece of paper a little above the previos one, overlapping a bit. Continue in this fashion until the bag is covered. You can hang your pinata and break it open to get the treats out of the inside.
You have so many good ideas and projects it makes me wish I still had youngsters around!
these are pretty easy. I have done these before and was glad I remembered them for our study of Mexico. It was perfect! and my nephew loved breaking his open, more than making it I think! He was asking to break it even before the glue was dry! :)
I can't wait until my kiddos are a little older and I can just search your archives for fun projects!
ha ha! I bet you could do this one soon w/ your three yr old, depending of course on how messy you want it to be! :) and I read where one couple used a large grocery bag and did a similar pinata for a birthday party. Much cheaper than the pre-made store bought ones! they all end up in the trash anyway! these are cheap, easy and fun!
this was also a great way to use up a little of the leftover Halloween candy! ;)
btw, jerseygirl, did you see the reindeer pb&j sandwiches post? it is easy and no cooking! :)
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