I had not heard of this before. I am not sure where the research stands right now, I think it is still pretty new and I don't know whether or not it has been confirmed as of yet. But I do find it very interesting. I am not in favor of abortions, which I think is where most controversy has been aimed over this subject. But harvesting from places like the umbilical cord, placenta and menstrual blood would definitely seem to bring another alternative to the forefront of this controversial subject.
There is a company that is now offering kits for women to collect and send in blood from monthly cycles to be cryo-preserved for potential use in the future. The kits are a bit steeply priced. The company is offering a $300 introductory discount right now, which will make it more feasible for some women.
Although this is new to me, I do find it interesting and I think other women will too. The stem cells from the blood will be preserved in hopes of using them to help treat the woman and her closest genetic kin (parents and children) against diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
You can find more information on this process and read Celle Client Testimonial at the Celle website.
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