Thursday, February 22, 2007

Did You Know That A Doggerel Is a Poem?

After coming across this blog , I had to find out just what "doggerel" meant. So I looked it up and found that it is considered a crudely or irregularly formed verse, often of a humerous or burlesque nature." (My Yahoo! Dictionary)

Ok, so just what does "burlesque" mean. I know the connotation it sends, but just what does it mean? Come to find out, it isn't just the striptease act down the road, but it's first definition is "A literary or dramatic work that ridicules a subject either by presenting a solemn subject in an undignified style or an inconsequential subject in a dignified style. See Synonyms at caricature." (My Yahoo! Dictionary) It can also mean "a mocking imitation." (My Yahoo! Dictionary)

So there you have it, your something new you learned today!

Doggerel Indeed !

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